Monitoring for MongoDB database

The project on can be an alternative of the expiring free monitoring from MongoDB.

No setup is required. The way the monitor works is that you log in to the database and start monitoring.

It is strongly recommended to have a dedicated user with limited privileges (clusterMonitor role).


We use MongoDB. We love it.
It is free even in replica mode. We love replicas.
However, sometimes when we accidentally miss an index, don't use the secondary properly for reading, the performance is not as good as we expect.
Usually it is easy to find the problem.
But first we need to know that the problem exists.
That's what this monitoring tool can help you with!


Just select Live Monitor from the top menu and fill in credentials. Then push the Start button.

You can save your login details to avoid the annoyance of having to fill them in every time you enter them.
The password is encrypted. It is not stored on the server side. It is not readable on the client side.

If you change credentials, you must re-enter the password.

It is also possible to log in and save your servers. For these servers, a status is saved every minute. So it can be viewed back. Great!

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